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The Turbo PayPal System is not affiliated with PaySpree or PayPal© & ™
OPTION 1 for setup INSTRUCTIONS : To build your own website(Here is one free hosting and free domain) 1] Download both setup files for Turbo PayPal and (Bonus PayPal Booster) 2] Unzip and extract the setup files of both Product 3] Watch the video tutorial for the Turbo PayPal System and follow step by step instruction how to create your own money making website. Observe the steps seen in blue print provided 4] Follow the related instruction to set up money making blog seen in PayPal Booster Product folder 5] Use the free resources seen on the Promotional Resources tab to promote your product/websites. OPTION 2 for setup (RECOMMENDED To Start Earning Immediately) INSTRUCTIONS. : to use the exact website that you made purchase from This is a very high converting website that is updated with screenshots daily so conversion are Guaranteed 1]Create an account 2]Create an account at PayPal if you do not have an existing PayPal account https://www.paypal.com 3]Select PayPal as the “Payment Method”at this site “ http://payspree.com “ 4]Enter the PayPal email address at this site “ http://payspree.com” 5]Paste your user name at the end of this link to replace the text "USERNAME" as seen in the example below==> http://payspree.com/72134/Username Example http://payspree.com/affs.php?pid=72134 6]Start Promoting your link on as much sites as possible in the Promotional Resouce tab and make sales as an affiliate for 75% of all earnings made. 7 ] I recommend that you always keep a copy of the files in the download links and instruction that is seen on this website so if this site should be offline, the files for setup can be sent to the customer when a purchase is made as a means of backup. These files can be sent as an attachment in emergency situation.
OPTION 1 for setup INSTRUCTIONS : To build your own website(Here is one free hosting and free domain) 1] Download both setup files for Turbo PayPal and (Bonus PayPal Booster) 2] Unzip and extract the setup files of both Product 3] Watch the video tutorial for the Turbo PayPal System and follow step by step instruction how to create your own money making website. Observe the steps seen in blue print provided 4] Follow the related instruction to set up money making blog seen in PayPal Booster Product folder 5] Use the free resources seen on the Promotional Resources tab to promote your product/websites. OPTION 2 for setup (RECOMMENDED To Start Earning Immediately) INSTRUCTIONS. : to use the exact website that you made purchase from This is a very high converting website that is updated with screenshots daily so conversion are Guaranteed 1]Create an account 2]Create an account at PayPal if you do not have an existing PayPal account https://www.paypal.com 3]Select PayPal as the “Payment Method”at this site “ http://payspree.com “ 4]Enter the PayPal email address at this site “ http://payspree.com” 5]Paste your user name at the end of this link to replace the text "USERNAME" as seen in the example below==> http://payspree.com/72134/Username Example http://payspree.com/affs.php?pid=72134 6]Start Promoting your link on as much sites as possible in the Promotional Resouce tab and make sales as an affiliate for 75% of all earnings made. 7 ] I recommend that you always keep a copy of the files in the download links and instruction that is seen on this website so if this site should be offline, the files for setup can be sent to the customer when a purchase is made as a means of backup. These files can be sent as an attachment in emergency situation.
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